October 21, 2016

New Clients

What to expect?

At the initial appointment, we will discuss and document your overall health concerns, associated symptoms, severity of those symptoms, and your personal wellness goals. You can share a background of your health and healing journey and any details that feel important to you at the initial and follow up appointments. However, the nature of energy work is such that it does not require our conscious minds to discuss and analyze life events and issues at length. This is because your subconscious already knows everything there is to know about you and your health. Therefore, it is not necessary to stress about sharing every little detail at these sessions, and it is also perfectly fine to not share what you are uncomfortable talking about. The session will still address whatever your highest priorities are at the time.

The Emotion Code and Body Code work uses applied kinesiology (commonly known as muscle testing), to ask your subconscious what the cause or contributing factors are for your symptoms, needs and goals. Your subconscious mind has the complete wisdom as to what is wrong with your body, and how it can be healed. Muscle testing takes the guess work out of what works and does not work for you as a unique individual. Using muscle testing, we will identify any imbalances that are causing or contributing to your symptoms, and release them one by one with the gentle roll of a magnet along your spine. We will release as much as we can, and as much as your body allows us to, in a single session. Your body will then need time to process this release, and rebalance it’s energy field.

At the first session, we will also check for the presence of a heart-wall. A heart-wall is an energetic wall of trapped negative emotions layered around our heart, that blocks our ability to give and receive love freely. It is a natural defense mechanism that our body puts up to protect our heart from pain and heartache. While this energetic wall protects our heart from the bad, it also blocks out the good. If a heart-wall exists, we will discuss a plan to release it in future sessions.

Healing is a commitment that we make with ourselves. Each individual is unique in their issues, in their underlying imbalances, and in their healing journey. It is therefore hard to predict how many sessions any individual will need. Usually, a series of 3-5 sessions are recommended to address a specific issue before we re-evaluate. The time between sessions also depends on the individual, and where they are in their healing journey. Typically, when we are actively addressing an issue, most people are ready for follow up sessions within a week from their last one. After addressing pressing issues, you may need follow up sessions less frequently, usually in 4-12 week increments, to help tune-up and maintain your health. You will be provided with a recommendation for your next session based on what your body wants, but the decision is ultimately yours.

The initial evaluation and session will last about 1 to 1.5 hours. You will remain comfortably seated throughout the session. The session may include light touch or gentle rolling of a magnet along your spine. If you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, any other implanted device, or are otherwise sensitive to magnets, you can still get the full benefit of the session without the use of magnets. Just let us know in the intake form below.

All sessions can be conducted in-person in Ashburn, VA or remote over the phone, Skype, or FaceTime. You will receive the exact address if you schedule an in-person appointment. Since energy healing is not limited by physical proximity, you can get the full benefit of these sessions from any part of the world!

You can find more information on Energy Healing, The Emotion Code, The Body Code and Muscle Testing here. You can find details on all the services offered here.

New Client Intake Forms

Please print, complete, and bring the forms below to your initial appointment.

Body Code and Emotion Code Consent Form

Financial Responsibility Form

New Client Intake Form